Focus on What Matters

I woke up this morning and I could not get this out of my head— So I decided to share it here because after all what better place to do it than on a Blog —and since i’m trying to add more content to my blog— well what better way to do it than to just do it-

So I woke up with this message like a penny in a jar swirling and — If—- I woke up with the word If—- and then started to think about all the things that followed this simple little word- IF

Hang with me for a second— we live in a world where everything is possible, seemingly accessible and we’ve never had more opportunities and avenues to reach our desired dreams and potential— yet—- we are more discontent and confused about our purpose— more than ever—- we are seeking more than ever— striving more than ever and never quite arriving more than ever —-or so it seems —-
So it got me thinking why— and I came up with a few IF reasons ——

Now while I'm not a Bible scholar in any way— I am a woman of faith who has seen God work in her life in amazing ways— from being totally broken to restored— from sick to being rebuilt — from feeling like I had to perform to be accepted and loved by God to understanding His grace— and it’s been because i’m flawed and imperfect and i’ve seen him give me so many chances—- that I eventually figured out that i’m made for more than just “ being perfect” or appearing so—- that i’m made for a great purpose

So lets get to the If’s—

If the enemy can convince us that we are flawed on the daily— he can convince us that we are unworthy & not good enough

If the enemy can keep us in a state of anxiety and fear— he can paralyze us from moving forward and healing

If the enemy can keep us focused on criticizing and judging others—he can keep us from looking within and changing what needs to be changed

If the enemy can constantly tell us that we failed—he can keep us defeated and discouraged

If the enemy can keep us focused on constant attainment of goals and constant striving —- he can keep us in a state of constant dissatisfaction and “ never arriving” mode

If the enemy can whisper that we are the ones responsible for ALL of our Success and Attainment of Goals and that WE can manifest our own success solely — that we manifested all of our successes & wins on our own— He can keep us in a Self Reliant state and take God out of the equation— and That is ultimately his goal! To take God out of the equation

If the enemy can remind us to compare our journey ,success, who we are with someone else — he can make us forget that we are fully equipped to succeed on our own path and time and that we are perfectly equipped with what we have inside of us

If the enemy can make us feel rejected, isolated and uninvited— he can make us feel inadequate and unworthy and can keep us stuck & depressed

If the enemy can’t discourage us— he will distract us- if he can’t distract us- he will try to derail us -if he can’t derail us - he will try to dissilusion us-

At the end of the day— the enemy’s mission is to keep us from the truth of who we are! Fearfully and wonderfully made! Chosen to make an impact ! Created by an awesome God for a great purpose ! Given this life because we are meant to not just survive it but to Thrive in it! He wants us to rely solely on our own efforts, our own abilities and take God out of the equation- And if we focus too much on the enemy’s distractions, lies and we aren’t careful and guarding our mind and hearts— we may actually believe his lies and fall for his schemes

Choose to Fix your Focus on the Truth

Here is what I know to be true no matter how hard the enemy may try to say otherwise:

”For I know the plans I have for you , delcares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace” 1 Corinthians 14:33

Above else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” John 14:27

”Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” Ephesians 6:11

I Praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:14

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path” Proverbs 3:5